LE7 2 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

LE7 2 is a postcode sector in Charnwood, UK. Below is a complete list of LE7 2 Postcodes (Active). LE7 2 postcode sector comprises of 146 active postcodes. LE7 2 sector has a population of 7330, and it has 3021 properties in the region.

Browse Information On LE7 2 postcode sector

LE7 2 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 7330
Addresses / Property Count 3021
Active Postcodes 146
Nearby Postcode Districts 27
Nearby Postcode Sectors 6

View Map Of LE7 2 Postcode Sector

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showing 0-50 of 146 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
LE7 2AA 52.69763300 -1.06934300 28 54 462990 311512
LE7 2AB 52.69744400 -1.07297900 17 30 462745 311488
LE7 2AD 52.69667500 -1.07220400 43 120 462798 311403
LE7 2AE 52.69742900 -1.07216500 N/A N/A 462800 311487
LE7 2AF 52.69740500 -1.07144100 34 86 462849 311485
LE7 2AG 52.69799100 -1.07142200 38 81 462849 311550
LE7 2AH 52.69578600 -1.06910700 37 84 463009 311307
LE7 2AJ 52.69320600 -1.06334700 30 75 463402 311025
LE7 2AL 52.69461800 -1.06453100 43 112 463320 311181
LE7 2AN 52.69480500 -1.06896600 33 102 463020 311198
LE7 2AP 52.69780200 -1.06702200 9 24 463147 311533
LE7 2AQ 52.69533300 -1.07084800 51 113 462892 311255
LE7 2AR 52.69397500 -1.06961900 34 74 462977 311105
LE7 2AS 52.69703000 -1.06715700 35 87 463139 311447
LE7 2AT 52.69757400 -1.06776700 43 104 463097 311507
LE7 2AU 52.69603900 -1.06583200 42 124 463230 311338
LE7 2AW 52.69384400 -1.06786100 35 95 463096 311092
LE7 2AX 52.69816400 -1.07072900 27 43 462896 311570
LE7 2AY 52.69597300 -1.07107100 29 54 462876 311326
LE7 2AZ 52.69540100 -1.06924900 13 32 463000 311264
LE7 2BA 52.68953500 -1.08715700 13 45 461798 310596
LE7 2BB 52.68456500 -1.07689100 27 58 462499 310052
LE7 2BD 52.69090000 -1.08464300 20 67 461966 310750
LE7 2BE 52.69040000 -1.08745000 16 79 461777 310692
LE7 2BG 52.68297200 -1.07899500 9 28 462359 309873
LE7 2BJ 52.68935300 -1.09279800 18 68 461417 310571
LE7 2BL 52.69500900 -1.06856200 4 7 463047 311221
LE7 2BN 52.68991700 -1.08546200 9 40 461912 310640
LE7 2BP 52.69026600 -1.08500500 8 38 461942 310679
LE7 2BQ 52.69661400 -1.06806900 30 87 463078 311400
LE7 2BR 52.68909000 -1.08306800 74 210 462075 310550
LE7 2BS 52.69021600 -1.08320100 14 43 462064 310675
LE7 2BT 52.69645900 -1.06876100 4 8 463031 311382
LE7 2BU 52.69560600 -1.06332600 9 21 463400 311292
LE7 2BW 52.69480500 -1.06551800 27 71 463253 311201
LE7 2BX 52.69264700 -1.06651100 14 42 463189 310960
LE7 2BY 52.69183700 -1.06641000 38 89 463197 310870
LE7 2BZ 52.69235800 -1.06856700 74 200 463050 310926
LE7 2DA 52.69338000 -1.06354400 6 11 463388 311044
LE7 2DB 52.69372800 -1.06344000 12 35 463395 311083
LE7 2DD 52.69586800 -1.06120400 8 19 463543 311323
LE7 2DE 52.69734900 -1.07006600 5 9 462942 311480
LE7 2DF 52.69655800 -1.06092300 N/A N/A 463561 311400
LE7 2DG 52.69661100 -1.06194300 N/A N/A 463492 311405
LE7 2DH 52.69611000 -1.06337400 N/A N/A 463396 311348
LE7 2DJ 52.69693100 -1.06257200 N/A N/A 463449 311440
LE7 2DL 52.69399000 -1.06241300 71 198 463464 311113
LE7 2DN 52.69448800 -1.06170700 N/A N/A 463511 311169
LE7 2DP 52.69449000 -1.06083400 N/A N/A 463570 311170
LE7 2DQ 52.69350100 -1.06092900 N/A N/A 463565 311060
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